Anthropomorphic Personifications

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So I really do try not to just post links on here but I feel that this
article is a pretty worthwhile read:
Change that... It's not a pretty worthwhile read it's a very worthwhile read.

I've been busy posting it around at the various social news sites
etc... here are the things I wrote (yes this really is just my
desperate attempt to not have a post which is just a link... I've
kinda been doing that more than I've been doing real posts recently.

I just read this (despite parts now feeling a little out of date).
This take on the historical context of American politics was very
interesting as someone who wasn't around for it. Even if you disagree
with Sullivan's conclusion, the issues raised are worth considering.
Highly recomended.

This take on the historical context of American politics (and the
culture wars) was very interesting as someone who wasn't around for
it. Sullivan reaches the conclusion that Obama is uniquely qualified
to bridge that divide and simultaneously reach out to the rest of the
world. Even if you disagree with Sullivan's conclusion, the issues
raised are worth considering. Highly recommended.

Very good article adressing Americas culture wars, their origins,
context development and the interplay with politics. Sullivan
concludes that Obama has a chance of bridging the divide. Even if you
don't agree with the conclusions of the article it's well worth
reading just for the history and the rarely addressed issues that are

And just for general interest here's a site (not the one I was looking for) which
might help you figure out who you agree with. Which might be different
than who you like, and might also have nothing to do with how they
would actually behave once in power. After all: damn can't find the
one I wanted. This one is close but most of the campaign ads from
1999/2000 on youtube are edited and spliced with other stuff to make
the videographers point. :( I just want to know what he was saying at
the time. As I say this one is close but is more militairily focused
than the one I found last week. ah well. it almost sounds good when he
says it this way. not as good as the other ad (can you tell I'm
annoyed that I can't find it?)

If you want something less automatic:

Have a great day everyone. Now I need to get back to work.

There are many mysteries still unsolved. I figure, you know... I'll do
some of that.


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