Anthropomorphic Personifications

a place for thoughts or a lack thereof

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tried to post this last night. Didn't work

The glorious cocktail of Bud light and Arizona Iced tea energy drink

I just wanna go home and sleep but no... I have to write this damn report <sigh>

All mortals tend to turn into the things they are pretending to be.
- C.S. Lewis

I think I'm pretending to be a mortal.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

MMMMMmmmm Egg Nog

Woot! First 'Nog of the year!!!!

actually I just got the egg nog when I was out shopping 'cause I bought some 151 this summer but no one drank it :( I guess that's ok since it was kinda a joke anyway... but since then I've been trying to figure out what too do with it...

the nog works quite well tho

Monday, November 06, 2006

Shawn of the dead

fawkin hell.

Tivo is great but....

I was watching Shawn of the dead tonight.. and despite unaccountably
making me miss my girl.... It was a prettydam good movie... not
exactly funny but a pretty good approximation of what I would be
dealing with if zombies suddenly took over the world...

my first choice would probably not be a bar... I figure a highrise
would be a good choice.. windows are harder to break when they're a
few stories up... zombies also lac the mental capacity to defeat
building security... also people with appartments tend to have a stock
of food on hand.

but yeah the point of my post is that... the damn tivo stopped
recording and there's still two of them stuck in the bar heading for
the cellar.
and I don't know what's gonna happen next!!!!

ah well

All mortals tend to turn into the things they are pretending to be.
- C.S. Lewis

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So I arrived into the office this morning after having turned my
computer off last night for the first time since at least the 16th of

Hit the power button, went to go get some water, came back and just
caught the dreaded B.Sod before the system rebooted.
(Blue-Screen-of-DEATH for those who might not be used to having
acromyms pronounced)

[Technical ranting]
Apparently there was a fatal error in the login process and the
windows core terminated unexpectedly...

Safe Mode was a no go. (same result)
Safe Mode command prompt also no go.

I even burrowed into the server closet for a windows 2000 disk and
tried to repair windows that way.

no luck with the automated repair process
and the recovery console wants the Administator password so no luck
there either.

I currently suspect that it either:
A. a bad sector on the hard disk in a very inopportune location
B. a problem caused by IT adding the IE7 install blocker to the login
script. (however this really shouldn't have effected me at all as IE7
doesn't work on windows 2000 so should have needed to be blocked on my
computer) but they did add that last night so it's a possibility
[/Technical ranting]

Anyway so now I'm working on a co-workers computer, which has been a
real struggle to get all the apps etc that I need set up on the fresh
user account. and that's just the minimal outlook, office, our inhouse
database etc

I'm still doing without Firefox, Gtalk, and all my other little helpers.

On the plus side once I talk to Ed, I'll probably get a new computer!
I was holding out for Vista, but no more PIII 450 will be good enough.

(Sorry for the high frequency of computer related posts lately.... it
never rains, but it pours.)

Ack!!! dead computer.

So I arrived into the office this morning after having turned my
computer off last night for the first time since at least the 16th of

Hit the power button, went to go get some water, came back and just
caught the dreaded B.Sod before the system rebooted.
(Blue-Screen-of-DEATH for those who might not be used to having
acromyms pronounced)

Technical ranting [spoiler]
Apparently there was a fatal error in the login process and the
windows core terminated unexpectedly...

Safe Mode was a no go. (same result)
Safe Mode command prompt also no go.

I even burrowed into the server closet for a windows 2000 disk and
tried to repair windows that way.

no luck with the automated repair process
and the recovery console wants the Administator password so no luck
there either.

I currently suspect that it either:
A. a bad sector on the hard disk in a very inopportune location
B. a problem caused by IT adding the IE7 install blocker to the login
script. (however this really shouldn't have effected me at all as IE7
doesn't work on windows 2000 so should have needed to be blocked on my
computer) but they did add that last night so it's a possibility
/Technical ranting [/spoiler]

Anyway so now I'm working on a co-workers computer, which has been a
real struggle to get all the apps etc that I need set up on the fresh
user account. and that's just the minimal outlook, office, our inhouse
database etc

I'm still doing without Firefox, Gtalk, and all my other little helpers.

On the plus side once I talk to Ed, I'll probably get a new computer!
I was holding out for Vista, but no more PIII 450 will be good enough.

(Sorry for the high frequency of computer related posts lately.... it
never rains, but it pours.)

All mortals tend to turn into the things they are pretending to be.
- C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Google Desktop just saved me hours of work

I was foolingsh and accidentally closed the file I've been working on.
but apparently I've had my computer running for a few weeks an had
neglected to save a copy of the file since the rewrite of the excutive
summary that I did 2 and a half weeks ago.

Now I know having to redo things that you've just don't cause the
computer crashed is a pain and very frustrating.... but OMG having to
redo essentially finished work that you don't remember the details of
because you were stupid? FUCKing hell I was angry.... really wanted to
break things....

If i had a choice that would have been the time that I packed it in
and went home in frustration... but I can't so I didn't...

I decided to check google desktop to see if I had maybe saved it
somewhere else... and that's when I lucked out, because google takes
snapshots of things.... and while I suspect that I'm still missing
some... I'm in a much better spot than I would otherwise have been...

now back to the task at hand.

another thought

Yeah I'm still working on the damnable report.... and it's now
officially 4 hours after I started moving towards doing it. BAH!

Hmmmm I really did have a random thought that I was going to share...

but now I've not got a clue what it was...

which tells you something of the state my mind is in and why it's so
hard for me to be trying to write at the moment

and seriously why the hell is firefox not speel checkign me?

I have it! my original reason for a second bring random short duration post!

I think I set a new record today... I sent.... <drumroll> 66 emails
today.... <crash>

I toatally need to leard to touch-type one day.... but I was too fast
at hunt and peck before anyone tried to teach me to type properly and
have never had the patience since.... I'm vaguely embarassed about it
every now an then... but right now my hands just hurt and I want a
Dvorak keyboard

or to be going home

All mortals tend to turn into the things they are pretending to be.
- C.S. Lewis

K. Let's do this

It's nearly 6 and if I'm lucky I've only got about 4 hours of
rewriteing the overview section of a food packaging report ahead of
me. .... Yay.

I've been buried under a mass of emails and revisions and madness for
the past week. So I haven't had any time to deal with all of these
other issues that have been piling up.

All I need are like 16 more hours everyday....
but even then I wouldn't use them effectivly.

On the plus side I've been off my ADD meds for the past weekish... and
I'm doing OK... besides the headaches that show up now and then. I'm
dropping the ball occassionally (ie still haven't dropped off my check
for this months rent.... which I need to do today.. with it being the
first already again and all...)

Why the hell isn't firefox spell checking this for me?


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