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Monday, June 18, 2007

Pitchfork Music Festival 3-day pass tickets


So I was stumbling around this morning, nearly putting my shredded wheat box back in the wrong place. but that was good because I noticed that I actually have got my Pitchfork tickets! Yay! I had kinda forgotten that I'd received them and was wondering where they were.

But what I also noticed was the dates.

Pitchfork is July 13-15 (yes I got tickets for all three days) but I'm going to be in Winnipeg that weekend, and so won't be able to go to any of it.


So if there is anyone who wants my tickets, let me know. I'd love to get something back so I'm not out the $50. but if I like you we can probably work something out.

Random people are talking about it here (and threatening to kill their mothers for some reason)

PS When looking up how much I paid I just happened to notice that the Friday Tickets and the 3-day passes are all sold out. So if you want to see the whole Day Dream Nation thing.... I'm your last best hope :P

Or something.

PPS OMfG!!!1112 3 day passes are going for $100 on eBay!!!! wow. I'd much rather give it to someone I know tho.


Blogger Syrrys said...

They're spoken for.
Ummm yeah just in case anyone actually reads this :)

2:30 pm  

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