A few random things
But that's really a side note... More important is that I had a good
BBQ on Wed, met some good new people, etc. was good. unfortunately I'm
going to miss the next couple of these gatherings which is too bad,
but the company softball team's last game is next week and then I'm
away. so it'll be beginning of july before I get to hang with them
again. I guess it's a "leave them wanting more" approach... :) I do
have a gift for these short bouts followed by long disappearances.
<shrug> maybe one day I'll suddenly become reliable! Ha! that'll be
the day :P
Today I am not going camping up in WI.. which kinda sucks.
but I really need the weekend to visit with the 'rents who were in
Limoux France last week.
And to pack for my own week away in England starting a week today!!! woohoo!
I've started to think about doing the "pre-jet-lag" thing that I
usually do to prep for these trips so that I'm not wasting any of my
time there... but I'm not sure how well I'm going to manage it. I
don't think it's going to get started much/well this weekend... and
the will of course be much drinking... but it occurs to me that I've
missed company drinking before in order to prep for these trips.. so I
can probably do it again...
Hmmmmm gonna need to think about packing (and what I need to clean
before I pack) and as always I should really clean the apt before I
leave so it's not freaky gross when I get back...
Anyway on non-"totally-silly-details-about-my-life-that-you-couldn't-care-about-if-you-tried"
-I'm finally getting my mediaserver organized! So far I'm at D in
terms of re-populating/cleaning-duplicates-from/fixing-tags my iTunes
library. I'm actually finding that getting iTunes to copy and organize
the files as I add them to the Library to be very helpful. I have so
many files is crazy different directories etc from several different
computers that there really is no other way to consolidate everything
in any way that's organized. My ID3 tags could be better but...
<shrug> this "gives me an excuse" to fix them. This is another project
that I really should finish before I leave... Otherwise my iPod is
going to be very empty and full of a really weird mix of stuff.
-Why do i get spam offering to sell me turbo grass seed?
-I've also setup my server to accept Remote Desktop Connections! teh
aw3some! of course it's so slow coming into the cable modem from
outside... silly bandwidth throttling! but very nice while I'm at
home... I can get the server started working on things, flip out and
surf on my laptop checking back occasionally to see when the next
batch of files is done processing. It's a bit of a power trip.
-The plan is to be up in winnipeg on friday jul 13/14 which probably
means taking another day off to drive up on thursday evening/night.
Just need to figure out if my dad is driving up then too.
- Ummm yeah I think that about covers all the things I was going to
vomit into the ethers. I should really get back to work so I'm not
panicking too much next week trying to get ready to be gone.
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