Anthropomorphic Personifications

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Friday, September 05, 2008

time for a post

Hmmmm..... I suppose it's been a while again.

New Zealand departure is in less than a month now. Which is probably why I've been finding US politics less important to write about!

I'm sure there are things that have been happening that are worth writing about, but I can't really think of any right now.
Work is frantic as I'm trying to finish up a month + worth of work in the next 2 weeks, but then that's kinda hardly unusual.

I'm trying to figure out my packing requirements for 2 years of back packing as well... not somethign I've done before, so thus far I'm taking the "Lay out all your things, then get rid of half of it and take twice as much money" maxim with the assumption that I don't actually know what I'm going to want/need and NZ should actually have perfectly appropriate gear if needed.

Disturbingly, right now the result is that I'll be taking about a weeks worth of clothing and a rather disproportionate amount of electronics. Weird.

But it is getting rather exciting. as long as I don't think about how much I need to resolve before I leave. :) Story of my life.

Back to "resolving" that work stuff...

Going to the ends of the earth.


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