Anthropomorphic Personifications

a place for thoughts or a lack thereof

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

WORST lunch experience.

So there I was just about 4 minutes ago... finally taking lunch 'cause
I decided that 3pm was probably getting on even tho I wasn't terribly
MMMMm start looking forward to my sandwich (pepper turkey and spinach
on homemade pumpernickel bread.)

First bite. MMmmmm CRUNCH. wtf? that didn't feel or sound like
anything I put in there... turns out I seem to have gotten a bit of
glass from a wine glass I broke a few weeks ago in to the bread.

I was rather surprised that finding glass in my food brought on such a
strong gag reflex.

But that was the end of lunch. I guess I'll have to make more bread
tonight. And remember to pitch the rest of that loaf (Ye GODS I'm so
glad I didn't bring that to dinner last night!)

As if I needed more things to interfere with productivity today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Interweb FAILS!

T3h 1nt3rw3b5 has failed me.

I've become distressingly addicted to the new heineken draughtkeg ad.
but I cannot find it anywhere except for an industry pay site
( )

I'm no huge heineken fan but.... I do like vocoders.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
-RM -

Quick & Dirty

Random political survey from

Okay, here's a really simple way to find out which candidates share
your views. This script is composed entirely of data collected by Enter your choices below and hit GO to rank the

Here's how it works, if you want to know. If you agree with a
candidate, he gets point(s). If you disagree, take point(s) away.
Unkown/other results in no points. The number of points given or taken
depends on the weight you set. "Meh" is worth 1 point, "important" 2,
and "key" is worth 5. The items you disagree about will be listed
directly underneath each candidate (if they score greater than zero).

Kucinich 38
Iran Sanctions, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Edwards 28
Death Penalty, Iran - Military Action, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq
Withdrawal, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 28
Death Penalty, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action, Iraq Troop
Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 28
Border Fence, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Marriage

Gravel 28
Iran Sanctions, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Biden 26
Death Penalty, Border Fence, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal,
Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 26
Death Penalty, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action, Iraq Troop
Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Richardson 22
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Iran - Military Action, Iraq
Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Same-Sex Marriage

McCain 13
Abortion Rights, Death Penalty, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Border
Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran - Military Action, Iraq War, Minimum Wage
Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Paul -1
Giuliani -6
Thompson -13
Cox -17
Huckabee -24
Brownback -28
Romney -33
Hunter -35
Tancredo -37

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What did he say!!!!!!

At about minute 28 in S03E06 of Doctor who 2005... what did he say!!!!!!!

I'm sure I'll findout eventually.

So I've been thinking... I want a woman who is like James Bond and Dotor who.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
-RM -

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