Woohoo! I'm "really" on the internet now!
Back in forwver ago I had registered mediamachine.nu which ended up being used when a few friends and I started up a company... but Chris was the only one who was really commited to it and he quickly discoverd that registering and maintaining a company was more expense that it was worth.. gee I wonder what happened to him.. last I hear he was in calgary.. but that was years ago...
Anyway the other day I finally registed another domain that was a long standing idea (Thanks to Paul who had the original Idea for integral networks) that I even had a logo (sorta) for year ago when I was making a few t-shirts... anyway I'm now the proud owner of
integral-designs.net Yay! now I just need to figure out what to do with it besides having it redirect to this blog :)
Three cheers for me!